CHIL000 |
学位论文研究及研究伦理 (中语中文学) |
Dissertation and Research Ethics : Chinese Language and Literature |
3-3-0 |
CHIL703 |
中国文学思想史 |
History of Chinese Literary Thoughts |
3-3-0 |
CHIL704 |
中国文学批评研究 |
Studies in Chinese Literary Criticism |
3-3-0 |
CHIL706 |
中国现代文学研究 |
Studies in Modern Chinese Literature |
3-3-0 |
CHIL707 |
经学研究 |
Studies in Confucian Classics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL709 |
中国诗歌研究 |
Studies in Chinese Poetry |
3-3-0 |
CHIL710 |
中国小说研究 |
Studies in Chinese Novel |
3-3-0 |
CHIL712 |
中国作家研究 |
Studies in Chinese Authors |
3-3-0 |
CHIL713 |
中国现代作家研究 |
Studies in Modern Chinese Authors |
3-3-0 |
CHIL727 |
中国文学研讨 |
Seminar in Chinese Literature |
3-3-0 |
CHIL728 |
中国文学研究方法论 |
Chinese Literature Research Method |
3-3-0 |
CHIL729 |
中西文学批评理论比较研究 |
Comparative Study of Chinese & Western Literary Criticism |
3-3-0 |
CHIL730 |
中国学术论证史 |
History of Chinese academic debate |
3-3-0 |
CHIL731 |
诸子百家研究 |
Studies in the Hundred Schools of Thought |
3-3-0 |
CHIL732 |
音韵论研究 |
Studies in Chinese Phonology |
3-3-0 |
CHIL733 |
中国散文研究 |
Studies in Chinese Prose |
3-3-0 |
CHIL734 |
中国词曲研究 |
Studies in Ci and Qu Poetry |
3-3-0 |
CHIL735 |
中国诗化与诗论 |
Chinese Poetry-talks & Theories of Chinese Poetry |
3-3-0 |
CHIL736 |
魏晋南北朝文学研究 |
Studies in the Literature of Wei Jin and Nan Bei Dynasties |
3-3-0 |
CHIL737 |
唐宋文学研究 |
Studies in the Literature of Tang and Song Dynasties |
3-3-0 |
CHIL738 |
中国当代文学研究 |
Studies in Chinese Contemporary Literature |
3-3-0 |
CHIL739 |
汉语介词研究 |
Studies in chinese prepositions |
3-3-0 |
CHIL740 |
汉语近现代语法理论 |
Theories of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Grammar |
3-3-0 |
CHIL761 |
中国语言学研究 |
Studies in Chinese Linguistics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL762 |
中国语言学史 |
History of the Chinese Language |
3-3-0 |
CHIL763 |
中国语言学资料研究 |
Studies in the Materials of Chinese Linguistics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL764 |
中国语言学方法研究 |
Methodology in Chinese Linguistics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL766 |
汉字学研究 |
Studies in Chinese Characters |
3-3-0 |
CHIL767 |
训诂学研究 |
Studies in Chinese Exegetics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL768 |
文言语法学 |
Grammar of Literary Chinese |
3-3-0 |
CHIL769 |
白话语法学 |
Grammar of Colloqiuial Chinese |
3-3-0 |
CHIL770 |
汉语语义论 |
Chinese Semantics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL771 |
汉语历史语法 |
Chinese Historical Grammar |
3-3-0 |
CHIL801 |
中国戏曲研究 |
Studies in Chinese Drama |
3-3-0 |
CHIL803 |
韵文研究 |
Studies in Chinese Verse |
3-3-0 |
CHIL805 |
文选研究 |
Studies in Wen-Xuan |
3-3-0 |
CHIL806 |
文心雕龙研究 |
Studies in Wen-xin Diao-long |
3-3-0 |
CHIL808 |
中国现代文学史讲座 |
Topics in the History of Modern Chinese Literature |
3-3-0 |
CHIL814 |
文献学研究 |
Studies in Chinese Philology |
3-3-0 |
CHIL861 |
说文解字研究 |
Studies in Shuo-wen Jie-zi |
3-3-0 |
CHIL862 |
广韵研究 |
Studies in Guang Yun |
3-3-0 |
CHIL864 |
等韵研究 |
Studies in Deng Yun |
3-3-0 |
CHIL865 |
中国古文字研究 |
Studies in Chinese Old Characters |
3-3-0 |
CHIL867 |
中国辞书研究 |
Studies in Chinese Lexicography |
3-3-0 |
CHIL868 |
汉语词汇论 |
Chinese Lexicology |
3-3-0 |
CHIL869 |
汉语句法论 |
Chinese Syntax |
3-3-0 |
CHIL872 |
中国语言哲学研究 |
Studies in Philosophy of Language in China |
3-3-0 |
CHIL873 |
先秦两汉文学研究 |
Studies in the Literature of Pre-Qin Period and the Han Dynasty |
3-3-0 |
CHIL874 |
元明清文学研究 |
Studies in the Literature of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties |
3-3-0 |
CHIL875 |
中国当代社会文化争论讨论 |
Discussion on social and cultural issues in Contemporary China |
3-3-0 |
CHIL876 |
中国当代作家研究 |
Studies in Contemporary Chinese Authors |
3-3-0 |
CHIL877 |
中国现代思想与文学争论 |
Ideology and Literary discourse in modern china |
3-3-0 |
CHIL878 |
汉语形态论 |
Morphology of Chinese |
3-3-0 |
CHIL879 |
汉语语用论 |
Chinese Pragmatics |
3-3-0 |
CHIL880 |
汉语特殊句型研究 |
Studies in Chinese Special Constructions |
3-3-0 |